Christian ladies who go their way in marriage, seeing it as
God’s permissive will are
mistaken. What most people call permissive will of God is outright disobedience
to God’s will? The will of God is not
“static” but “Dynamic”
by being static I mean the will of God is not fixed, but
rather it is dynamic (changes). For instance, if God reveals to Christian
brother that he should get married to a particular Christian lady, but maybe,
because of some physical challenges in the lady, or some reasons best known to
the man he then refuses the perfect will of God and decides to go for God’s permissive will like Balaam
in 22:12-22.
If this happens that
does not mean that the Christian lady cannot get married to another Christian
brother that will be ready to obey the will of God; remember, behind every
Saul, there is always a David. It is either we obey God or obey SELF.
There is no middle line in God’s kingdom. God’s
will is “Good, acceptable and perfect” (Rom 12:2). The conjunction “and” marries the three
description of God’s will and
does not create any room for ‘’Permissive
will”. The word “will”
means “Purpose, plan, ordained
pattern”. God does not permit what he
does not plan, purpose or ordain
Christian ladies in attempt to go their own way and settle
for the permissive will of God ask the following question to enslave and
ensnare themselves. Some the questions are:
if I love him, can’t I marry
him instead of seeking for God’s
if the man God is leading me to is not well to do (rich) or not even a man of
taste and caliber?
if I don’t love the Christian Brother
God is leading me to?
✍🏻Can’t I marry an unbeliever, so
after we get married through my lifestyle he can become born-again?
Must God choose for me, since I am the one to live with him?
marriage is my long awaited desire but I am getting old. Are you sure God is
mindful of me?
These and many more questions I am trusting the wisdom of God for precise and
accurate answers as we deive together into the deeper streams of Grace for a
Super explosive daily digest series tagged "BONE OF MY BONE (#BOMB series)
aimed and focused to be your Divine Compass in the fulfillment of your Marital
This series echoes the wise word of Solomon in (Prov 31:30) “favour is deceitful, beauty is
vain but a woman that fears the lord, and she shall be praised"
I encourage every Christian Brother and Sister that desires
a Godly happy home to eat and digest this divine provisional series packaged by
the extraordinary inspiration of Yahweh in declaring His mind and purpose in
marriage for Christian brothers and Sisters of Virtues
Friends, I can't wait to download the mind of God as
touching Christian relationships and Marriage...are you desirous of a major
leap in fulfilling marital destiny and trusting God for a wonderful and Glorious Christian Home? Then
get set, tighten your seat bet even as i
bring His Ancient bread of Life to your table tomorrow on "Bone of my Bone
daily digest series...
( Reference: OLOWO ROTIMI)
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