"Don't feed your mind with negative thoughts. If you do, you will come to believe them."
Positive Thinking Quotes   |  

"Do not become possessed by negative thoughts and a lack direction, follow the plan. Believe in yourself."
Jane John-Nwankwo, Success Is For The Ready: A Motivational Book For Success
Thinking Positive   |  

"The key to success is consistency. And right now, the only way for you to actually take action is to believe in yourself."
Zak Frazer, Mastering Motivation: 40 Things You Can Do To Feel Motivated In Less Than 10 Minutes
Success   |  

"Dealing with the source of any self-esteem issues is critical to challenging the way you value yourself and speak to yourself."
Rachel Robins, Feel Good About Yourself
Challenge   |  

"Remember the world will judge you based on how you judge yourself."
Vincent Mueller, Self Discipline: 30 Day Bootcamp!
What Can You Do   |  

"You must think well of yourself. You must see yourself as worth celebrating, worth loving, worth having."
Angelina Talpa, Love Yourself
Love Quotes   |  

"While optimism sets a tone for motivation and encourages you to believe in yourself, you have to find a drive in your life; something that pushes you forward and excites you to actually unlock your inner motivation and achieve success."
Earl Brandone, Motivation: The Supreme Guide To Motivation And Success
Motivation   |  

"Instead, we need to start thinking about how we believe in ourselves, really, truly, deeply. God believes in us, so why not try this out in our own lives?"
Louie Herron, Driven By F.I.R.E.: Ignite the Flames of Success Through Faith, Intensity, Re-Invention and Enthusiasm
God   |

"Your beliefs about yourself often translate into your convictions about yourself. It is difficult to achieve what you believe is beyond your power."
Eugene C. Onyibo, Working Years will soon be Over: How to prepare for Retirement
Achievement Quotes   |  

"Through valuing yourself more through working to be your best self, you can value others."
Annabelle Stevens, Larissa Stevens, Change Yourself, Change Your World
Work   |  

"Trust yourself; believe that you have a unique destiny to fulfill."
Candy Paull, The Heart of Abundance: A Simple Guide to Appreciating and Enjoying Life
Destiny   |  

"It's also important to be generous with words to yourself. What do you say about yourself in your thinking, is it affirming or does your self-talk pull you down?"
David Khalil, Principle 7: The Power of Giving
Generosity   |  

"If you feel inferior to someone else, it is because of your own beliefs."
Catherine Pulsifer
Inferior Without Consent   |  

"You are in charge of your feelings, beliefs, and actions. And you teach others how to behave toward you. While you cannot change other people, you can influence them through your own behaviors and actions. By being a living role model of what you want to receive from others, you create more of what you want in your life."
Eric Allenbaugh
Teacher Quotes   |  

"Those people who have the greatest success first needed to believe in what they have to offer the world. You need to trust that your unique contribution is worthwhile."
Grant Andrews, The Life of Your Dreams
Trust Quotes   |

"Self-confidence and a belief in yourself is a must. To instill confidence in others, you first must have confidence in yourself."
Byron Pulsifer
Confidence   |

"Don't let go of your dreams. If you have determination and belief in your dreams, you will succeed in spite of your desire to let go."
Catherine Pulsifer
Dream Quotes   |  

"A firm belief in yourself is all that is needed to alter your life. No one except you alone can change your life."
M. K. Soni
Quotes about Life   |  

"Anything is possible once you believe you are worthy of achieving it."
Jason Pockrandt, The Confident Father's Guidebook
Believe   |  

"No matter how much you want to succeed, if you do not believe you will, then success will not happen for you."
Charles M. Marcus, Success is Not a Spectator Sport
Positive Attitude Quotes   |  

Passion is the overwhelming feeling, the burning desire, the drive that ultimately creates change. It is the total belief in yourself and your abilities that nothing can stop you."
Diane Matyas, Performance Your Guide to Personal and Professional Excellence
Passion Quotes   |  

"It is necessary for us to believe in ourselves in order to become the best person that we can be."
Quirky Grandma, Love the Person You See in the Mirror!
Wise Quotes   |  

Without high levels of self-esteem you are unlikely to see yourself as being worthy of success or happiness, and as a result will never truly try your hardest to achieve it. It will also give you the courage to keep going when things get tough, and believe in yourself when others say you will never accomplish something.
Lucas Cunningham, Self-Esteem: Improve and Change Your Life Journey Now
Happiness   |  

Believe in yourself and set your life's goals, relevant to what you want to achieve.
Patrick Rahn, Mindset of Success
Goals   |  

You really can achieve your goals, if you believe in yourself and in your abilities, manage your time properly and focus on getting it done.
Theo Gold, Motivation
Time   |  

The contradiction is that although we enter this world naked, we are richly if invisibly clothed with a potential that no amount of disadvantage can extinguish. Have faith in God, believe in yourself and now that you know what came with you, see what you can do to let it out.
Les Norman; Pilar Norman, Never Have A Minute To Call Your Own: Well, Now You Do
Faith   |  


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